Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Yesterday (Friday) I had a Valentines Tea. (basicly a tea party) And Cassie and Chantel came over. We made valentines cards, decorated cookies and drank some tea. It was really fun. But then we decided to have a photo shoot :) ( it was a bit little kidish) But it was Really fun! We first dressed up as goth, and but on SOOO much make-up. Then we did summer time, and Cassie had a bikini on, and I had a dress and a bikini and Chantel just had a dress on. We looked really cool. Ok, maybe not. Then it was evening wear, and we dressed up in fancy dresses. Cassie was dancing, and we were listening to Sexy Back (because Cassie was suppost to Dance.) Anyways, we just had a blast. I wish I could post the pictures, but oh well.

But now I cannot find the Camera. I remember putting it down on the table, and I cannot find it ANYWHERE! I have been looking for a whole day and a night, but still I cannot find it!
I suppost it will turn up somewhere. .. Eventually.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So I don't actually have to blog, but if I do, I get extra credit. So why not? I'm thinking my mark could be a little higher. I really wanted my overall average to be higher. So if my LA mark is as possible high as it can go (even though it can't get much better) I will be even higher.
I have noticed that I have blogged A LOT!! I have 30+ posts... I think... Yeah, thirty four or something.
I have ran out of thing to blog about. I really dislike it when that happens.

I bought my Jig shoes (Highland Dance) The Jig is a dance when the women are chasing the leprechauns away because they stole their laundry. It's super cool to watch because you use your heels. The shoes actually have heels. (Not that I need to be any taller) So I ordered the dress and I bought my shoes. They're Red. And I have a green Dress. The red dress didn't look the greatest because it was the wrong color. Anyways, I'm really exited to be dancing it. It is super fun.
Except I jab myself in the heel all the time.