Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Well I FINALLY finished Whuthering Heights. It had a really weird ending. It was expected, but had a funny twist. I'm not gonna say the ending, so you should read it if you can. :)
So now I'm reading Jane Eyre. Another classic. I couldn't decide between Pride and Prejudice and Jane Erye. But I've seen the movie of Pride and Prejudice (it's one of my favorites) so I decided to read Jane Erye. It looks really long. I think it's longer than Whuthering Heights. I hope it won't take so long though.

I've been studying for my learners. When I'm done posting i'll take an online test. I hope i don't fail. I want to make it on my first time. Joel got it on his third, so I can't take that much. I just want it on my first.

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